The Fall Experimental Aircraft Association chapter 534 Fly-In/ Drive-In Pancake Breakfast will be at held on Saturday, Sept. 28 at the group’s hangar at the Leesburg International Airport.
The rain date will be Oct. 12. It will start at 9 a.m. and run until 11 a.m. The menu will be a choice of blueberry or plain pancakes with syrup, sausage, juice and coffee. Donations appreciated.
There will be aircraft parking at the SunAir ramp and vehicle parking on the grassy area across from the EAA hangar.Â
This will be a good opportunity to meet other pilots and aviation enthusiasts and to swap flying stories. You can also view the aircraft building and repair projects that are going on in the hangar, as well as meet the Squadron 534 Youth Group members and their mentors.Â
For EAA members or aviation enthusiasts who may be looking for an active chapter to join, come on over and check out Chapter 534.
For those people who decide to drive, head to Leesburg on U.S. Highway 441 and turn off on Wilco Drive at the airport. Take your first right turn and you will be looking at the Chapter 534 hangar.Â
For further information about this event, contact Paul Adrien at 352-250-0055 or email atÂ